Thursday, July 12, 2007

Astrology , Numerology or jus Zoology?

Its here , its there, Its everywhere. "Fortune of the Day", "Sunshine signs" and it goes by a dozen other names.In weekday supplements, weekend specials,Page 4 columns also the Home page for social networking sites. Made me wonder if people take it so seriously that someway or the other it finds its way into almost every walk of life. Especially in a country like ours where "auspicious" is one word thats associated with everything from a new anything to burning an old something. Can you believe it? We have rules even when we are getting rid of stuff. I still haven't figured out why I am not allowed to cut nails past day light.This goes to everything thats related directly or remotely to superstition.

I don't take astrology seriously. But that never stopped me from reading it and feeling good(never bad).There was this one time when my "Fortune of the Day" in Orkut read "you are next in line for promotion in your firm". Ironically this was the very same day I quit my job. Now, I know this may be exaggerating it a bit, still some how that got to me so badly that I never]cared for ever since. I refuse to accept that the month someone was born has something to do with how that person lives. I am a Leo, and every time I read anything on the Leo sign it always says PROUD PROUD PROUD. Like the rest of the human race is shameless or something. Also don't tell me that only people under the Gemini sign suffer from split-personalities.

I'm reading a book called Genome by Matt Ridley which despite kv's reviews took me 2 years to get my hands on. The tag line goes this way "The Autobiography of a species in 23 chapters". He attributes any and every aspect of a person to the 23 pairs of chromosomes that each of us own. A few facts from it put together with a lot of day dreaming at work brought up more questions than answers. Why is sex linked to harmonal activity while love isn't?. Apart from being the symbol of love the human heart doesn't have one bit of association with the feeling, does it? If I'm understanding it right then everything is harmonal. Take for example a beautiful picture file of a baby or a porn movie or for that matter this very Doc file. Each of this boils down to just a series of 1's and 0's when it gets stored. Itshow its interpreted thats makes the difference. The same can be said about what people do day-in and day-out.And this mostly depends on the culture of the location of the exhibiting species. Now which sounds better, A person's characteristics depending on the location of the stars, the sun, other planets and asteroids at the time of his/her birth or depending on where he/she is at the time of exhibiting it.If you're throughly confused, I have made my point :P.

[Excerpt: Matt says the human species is 97% the chimpanzee
and vice versa. hmmmmmm that explains a lot of stuff]